Field-to-Lab / Fatigue Damage Spectrum (FDS)

Author Andy Cogbill

Version 11 or Newer

This webinar is about taking field data and using it in the lab in an accelerated method. We will cover the recording of the data (RecorderVIEW), editing the data for post processing and analysis (EditVIEW), replicating the data on the shaker system exactly as it occurred in the field (Field Data Replication) and the process of calculating the amount of fatigue the product sees on the recorded data, and then accelerating that data with a random profile. This profile will match the amount of fatigue from the recorded data in a compressed amount of time (Fatigue Damage Spectrum).

This webinar was recorded using an archived hardware version and VibrationVIEW version 11. Please see our latest hardware and software on the products page.

Looking for a copy of the PowerPoint presentation from the webinar? Download it here.

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