Help! I Have Run Out of Displacement


Author Marc Brown

This webinar is for anyone running vibration or shock tests on shaker systems, particularly those who have had trouble with shaker displacement limits or want to know the lowest frequency to which they need to test their product.

We will cover:

  1. Maximum displacement of test specifications (sine, random, shock, and field data replication)
  2. What limits shaker capabilities? (including shaker isolation systems)
  3. Understanding a product’s lowest natural frequency and a shaker system’s rigid body modes and natural frequencies.
  4. What do test standards say about the lowest frequency?
    • Can I justify removing the lowest frequencies from the test specification?
    • Should I be testing to a lower frequency?
  5. Shock testing with shakers
    • Effects of pre/post -pulse compensation effects on the frequency content of a shock wave
    • When not to carry out shock on a shaker

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