Electronics Vibration Testing

Electronics vibration testing encompasses a variety of devices for daily and specialized use. Addressing design failures, shipping & handling flaws, and assembly errors before entering the market is a must to ensure device longevity.

VibrationVIEW Software Package




Test Acceleration

Field Data Replication (FDR)


Instant Degrees of Freedom (iDOF)

Mixed Mode


Fulfill Test Specifications

Generate test profiles or enter specifications with ease. The VibrationVIEW interface is intuitive and user-friendly, and the software is industry-leading. Access standard vibration testing modes built for ease of use and advanced features you won’t find anywhere else.

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Performance & Durability

Random Vibration Testing

In VibrationVIEW, fulfill test standards with random software features such as:

  • Frequency/amplitude breakpoint table (up to 9,999 entries)
  • Easy-to-read tabular format
  • Up to 512 input channels with multi-channel averaging
  • 104,000 lines of resolution
  • Power spectral density (PSD) and probability density function (PDF) display

Shipping & Robustness

Elite drop shock machine

Drop Shock Testing

Use a free-fall drop shock machine, pneumatic shock machine, or electrodynamic shaker to replicate transient events and test the integrity of design and packaging.

The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) manages several well-known drop-shock standards for electrical and electronic-related technologies, including IEC 60068-2-27/2-29/2-31.

Accelerated Product Qualification

Simulate the fatigue damage over a life cycle to proactively correct issues and ensure reliability.

Fatigue Damage Spectrum FDS software logo VR


Use recorded data to create an accelerated random test that represents a lifetime of fatigue damage.

Sine Tracking Analysis Generation (STAG) software icon VR


Generate an accurate representation of an environment with dominant sinusoidal vibration and background random vibration, such as an engine environment.

Replicate Field Data

Use recorded data to create a test profile that closely reflects or is the equivalent to the end-use environment.

Field Data Replication (FDR) software icon VR

Field Data Replication

Reproduce recorded field acceleration measurements on a shaker. The software performs an iterative time-history playback to replicate waveforms.

Random Import

Generate a random test profile from recorded data and analyze statistics from a time-history recording.

Companies Using VR Products

Sirius XM logo  Motorola logo

Agilent Technologies logoRockwell Automation logo

Live FDS for HALT

Live FDS is a software option for monitoring fatigue accumulation in real time. While the HALT/HASS machine is running, review the accumulating damage to map the table’s distribution or compare your test’s stress levels to a reference value.


Live FDS Helps to Answer

  • Where should I mount the product?
  • When should I remove a product from the table?
  • When should I stop the test?

Copy > Paste in Excel & Word

VibrationVIEW screenshot with Microsoft Excel
Copy and paste vibration test profiles and graphs between VibrationVIEW and Microsoft Word/Excel. This feature is especially useful when sharing profiles with colleagues, entering data from a customer, or entering lengthy or complicated test profiles.

Mix & Match Controllers with Shakers

Control modules can be used independently on separate shakers or linked into a single stack for jobs requiring a higher channel count (up to 512 channels total).

This cost-effective solution creates substantial savings for our customers.

Seismic Vibration Testing


Simulate the conditions of an earthquake to determine a structure’s response to a transient event and prevent damage and injury in the event of an actual earthquake. Vibration Research’s SRS, Transient Waveforms Control, and other software modules fulfill many of the standards for seismic vibration testing.

Chatter Monitor

Uncover possible discontinuities in your relays or evaluate the acceptance criteria for relays (IEEE 501; ANSI C37.98), with chatter monitoring capabilities.

Autonomous Data Acquisition

The ObserVR1000 hardware can be controlled remotely with the VR Mobile application, which runs on a smartphone or tablet using a WiFi connection. Set up, monitor, and modify field data recording without a wired configuration.

  • Monitor tests remotely
  • Set up autonomous acquisition
  • Connect a tachometer
  • Display GPS data

Data Recording & Analysis Applications

Full Analysis Software List

Vibration Control Applications

  • Electrical and Electronic Components
  • Drop Shock
  • Sine Resonance Track & Dwell
  • Battery
  • HALT-Highly Accelerated Life Testing
  • HASS-Highly Accelerated Stress Screening
  • Package Durability
  • And more

Full Control Software List

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