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Test a system against transient vibration

Classical shock vibration testing assesses product durability by employing a sharp transfer of energy with a pre-defined shock pulse. Perform closed-loop control of transient waveforms with the Shock software. Select from industry-standard pulse shapes or a user-defined transient pulse.

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Part number 9300


Define Test Levels

Define the test duration at each output level. Enter up to 200 separate levels and loop to repeat sequences without interruption.

  • Test and level scheduling: Repeat a pulse from 1 to more than 2 billion times with a configurable repetition rate. Tests can be configured to run pulses at different amplitude levels.
  • Frequency range: Standard frequency range is DC-4,990Hz. High-frequency shock extends frequency range to 50,000Hz (VR9303 High-Frequency). Contact your sales representative for software add-ons.

Shock Pulse Shapes

Access standard classical shock pulses and vary pre/post-pulse compensation amplitude and shape.

  • Half-sine
  • Haversine
  • Initial-peak sawtooth
  • Terminal-peak sawtooth
  • Triangle
  • Trapezoid
  • Square

Alternatively, select the user-defined transient option to build a pulse from a recorded waveform.

User-Defined Transient

User Defined Transient Software IconImport a time-history file to form a pulse shape from a recorded transient. Supports up to about 65,000 samples.

Transient Waveforms Control

Fulfill Test Standards

Fulfill requirements from test standards such as MIL-STD-810, DO-160, ISTA, ASTM, SAE, and IEC 60068. Select the tolerances defined by the test standard.


packaging shock test setupShock testing is often required in industries such as:

  • Packaging & transportation
  • Consumer goods
  • Electronics
  • Seismic
  • And more

Vibration Control Systems

  • Control signal can be a single input channel or an average of 2 to 4 channels
  • Set configurable acceleration and drive limits to protect the test article and shaker system; control input is also verified against shaker force, velocity, and displacement ratings
  • VR controllers automatically equalize the response of the shaker/fixture/product prior to running the test; equalization can be memorized and stored with the test to quickly start a test at a full equalized level

Shock Graph Display Options

VibrationVIEW Shock multigraph

Available graph display options include acceleration, velocity, displacement, output voltage, acceleration, and drive spectrum.

Graphs can be easily auto-scaled, and the cursor display can be adjusted. Data and text annotations can be easily placed on the graphs, and data values update live with changes.

Complex Shock Testing

A vibration test may call for a user-defined transient pulse or a shock response spectrum (SRS) for more complex shock events. VibrationVIEW features software packages for generating more complex shock testing, including the Shock Response Spectrum (VR9302) and Transient Waveforms Control (VR9301) software add-ons.

There is also software designed for IEEE-344 standards, chatter monitoring, and other advanced analyzer functions. These transient events are difficult to characterize and analyze with basic tools.

Additional Analysis Tools

  • Waterfall plots
  • Energy spectral density
  • Coherence plots
  • Transfer functions

Advanced Shock Testing Software

When to Use a Classical Shock Test

Shock VRU Testing CourseA shock test is employed to test a system’s capability to survive a drop, hit, impact, fall, explosion, or any other source of transient vibration that may occur in the real world. Many vibration test standards define classical shock pulses. However, more advanced shock testing may require a complex transient pulse that cannot be replicated by a classical shock.

Drop Shock Testing

Perform drop shock testing with the Shock software. Many products will experience shock vibrations during shipping and handling or in use. Engineers use drop shock testing to simulate these conditions in the lab and confirm the structural integrity of the device.


Shock Testing FAQs

  • Why shouldn’t I use multiple-channel control?
  • What counts as a pulse?
  • When do I need to add pre-/post-pulse compensation?
  • What is the difference between using a drop shock machine and an electrodynamic shaker?
Learn More


Shock Fundamentals Webinar

Fundamentals of VibrationVIEW - Shock Testing thumbnail

Fundamentals of VibrationVIEW - Shock Testing

Sine, Random, & Shock

Visualize the Difference


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