Creating a Running Test Log

Technical Notes

Author Jon Drnek


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Tables can be used in combination with test notes to create a running log of a test.


How can you keep a running log of a test?


Tables were designed specifically for creating a running log of a test. Tables are defined under the Tables tab in the Test Settings dialog box. The Tables tab for a Sine test is shown below.

VibrationVIEW Sine Test Settings with five formatted parameter string input boxes

Up to five tables can be defined for each test. A table is simply a collection of data on the test. The data are generated by evaluating the report parameters in the Formatted Parameter Strings input box at specified intervals. The resulting text is stored in the data file. These tables can be included in reports later on.

Step 1

Use the Help Index to find the parameters for the five rows:

  1. Click <F1> to open the Help Index.
  2. Click the plus sign (+) next to Reports and Forms.
  3. Click the plus sign next to Report Parameters.
  4. Click Report Parameter Names for the relevant test type. Each test type has specific parameters.

The values to enter in the rows will appear as [PARAM:Name]. The name will be replaced with the actual value of the parameter.

Reports and Forms > Report Parameters in the help file

Step 2

To set up a running log of acceleration and frequency for Channels 1–3, find the parameters to use in the Help Index.

  • Acceleration for Channel 1 is [PARAM:Ch1Accel].
  • Current frequency is [PARAM:Frequency].
  • Type the key string t to enter a tab and line the items up correctly.
  • If applicable, include the time when the readings were taken by adding the [PARAM:TIME] parameter.
  • The resulting format string will look like: [PARAM:TIME]t[PARAM:Ch1Accel]t[PARAM:Ch3Accel].

Step 3

Specify how often to take the readings with the checkboxes below the parameter strings:

  • To take a reading every 15 seconds, select every (hh:mm:ss) and enter 00:00:15. 15s can be entered as a shortcut for 15 seconds, 15m for 15 minutes, and 15h for 15 hours.
  • Select the Append to Test Notes checkbox. This will allow for live updates.
    **Note: each row represents a unique table and has its own update interval settings. If after entering a string of parameters they are not updating as often as specified, or not appearing in the test notes, click on the row and check to make sure the update settings are correct.**
  • If the every (hh:mm:ss) checkbox is selected, the [PARAM:] fields in row 1 will be replaced with values. This action will test the parameter string to see if it is valid. If the parameters are valid, they will be replaced with the current values. When the row is selected, the parameters will be displayed.

Step 4

  • Log every change in the test status. Click on row 2 and then select the every change in test status checkbox. Row 2 will be populated with [PARAM:TIME]t[PARAM:STOPCODE].
  • VibrationVIEW will try to enter a reasonable default whenever possible. Select Append to Test Notes and click the OK button to run the test. The following screenshots display how the tables should be set up.
VibrationVIEW Sine Test Settings with new lines set to 10 minute interval

Table 1.

VibrationVIEW Sine Test Settings with new lines set to "every change in test status"

Table 2.

Testing the Solution

Run the test and then click View > Test Notes. The readings for the parameters will be displayed. Below is an example screenshot. After about 45 seconds, the control channel disconnected so the test would abort. (There also was no accelerometer on Channel 3.)

VibrationVIEW screenshot showing test aborted

A final note: the results of these parameter strings can be included in reports. To display the values of the first string in a report, use the [PARAM:Table1] parameter. For the second row, use [PARAM:Table2].

Other Test Notes Hints

  • To manually enter test observations, type in the Test Notes pane.
  • Press T to enter a date and time stamp in the test notes.
  • The font and color of lines can be changed to highlight specific test notes.
  • To include the Test Notes in your report, use [TESTNOTES].

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