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Use your VR controller as a Data Acquisition System

The VR9700 and VR10500 hardware controllers can function as a data acquisition system with RecorderVIEW. The software can stream all inputs and outputs to the hard drive of a PC while running other test modes, or the hardware can be used on its own as a field data recorder.

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Part number 9600


Record Waveform Data

With RecorderVIEW, there’s no need to buy extra equipment to collect data. The VR9700/VR10500 controller hardware can connect to a notebook PC and function as a data acquisition system. Different from the RMS time history you get while running the test, RecorderVIEW collects sample-for-sample time-history data.

Record field acceleration measurements directly to the PC’s hard drive. Plus, access all the features of the VR9700/VR10500, including:

  • Low noise floor
  • 24-bit resolution inputs
  • Built-in accelerometer constant current supply and TEDS transducer interface
  • Unique DC offset that allows a measurement to true DC with constant current type accelerometers

Then, employ the VibrationVIEW software to set up and monitor vibration tests with the collected data.

Features of RecorderVIEW Include

  • Waveform length: collect waveforms of up to 4 billion samples per channel. Waveforms can be over 22 hours at a 52,000 Hz sampling rate, over 100 hours at a 10,000 Hz sampling rate, and over 1 year at a 100 Hz sampling rate
  • Data plots: access many graph display options, including all the graphs available with the standard control software packages
  • Includes EditVIEW: for editing your collected data, useful when the data has long “quiet” periods that are not wanted in the final data file
  • Schedule levels: configure the test schedule to start/stop recorder, always record a certain test profile, or only record a section of the test


Simultaneous Control and Collection

The VR9700/VR10500 can be used simultaneously as a vibration controller and data recorder. The input channels used for control or monitoring can be recorded to the hard drive while the controller is running a test. Store the complete waveform time history of your test for later analysis.

Following the collection of data, analyze the waveform and generate test profiles with Vibration Research’s robust software packages.

Integration with Field Data Replication

Use the test wizard in the Field Data Replication VR9400 software to proceed directly from field measurements to reproduce the measurements in your lab (optional). No additional calibration or translation steps are required. Simply record the data and immediately run it on your shaker in your test lab.

Integration with Random

Collect your field acceleration measurements, and automatically convert the time waveforms into a random spectrum using the Random Import VR9204 function (optional).

Remote Start and Stop

Use the Wired Remote VR9601 or RF Wireless Remote VR9609 options to trigger waveform recordings based on an external event, a toggle switch, or with wireless remote control (optional).

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