You must configure your PC to communicate with the Vibration Research I/O unit for the hardware to connect to VibrationVIEW. You can do so by setting up a static IP address on the network card connected to the I/O unit.
How do I get my PC to communicate with the hardware?
Setting up a Static IP Address
- Navigate to your PC’s Control Panel.
- Select Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center.
- On the left side of the dialog box, select Change adapter settings.
- Right-click the network card dedicated to the I/O unit and select Properties.
- In the Ethernet Properties dialog, disable/uncheck all options except “Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6).” IPv6 connections from VibrationVIEW to the I/O unit can help avoid IP address collisions. Most versions of Windows will configure network cards with IPv6 configuration. Select OK. The network card is now configured to communicate with the I/O unit.
If your network card is unable to use IPv6, continue with the following steps to configure the network card for use with VibrationVIEW.
For IPv4 Only
- In the Ethernet Properties dialog, disable/uncheck all options except “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4).”
- In the Properties dialog box, select the Properties button.
- Select the “Use the following IP address” radio button. Assign the IP address to and the subnet mask to
- If multiple network cards are installed in the computer the IP address can be adjusted. Other recommended values are and, although any Class C or Class D subnet will work.
- Select OK.
- On the Properties dialog box, click the Sharing tab. The “Internet Connection Sharing” option for the connection should be disabled/unchecked. Select OK.
The network card is now configured to communicate with the I/O unit.
Connecting to VibrationVIEW
VibrationVIEW must be configured to use the network connection after it is set up.
Directions for configuring VibrationVIEW to the network connection:
- Start the VibrationVIEW software program.
- Select Configuration > Hardware.
- Select the network card you configured on the PC. Typically, it is
- Select Probe and then select Apply.
- The software will add the I/O unit serial number to the drop-down menu for Channels 1 to 4 after the hardware connects to the computer. Select the I/O unit serial number to configure Channels 1 to 4 and, optionally, Channels 5 to 8, Channels 9 to 12, and 13 through 128 (in blocks of 4 channels for the VR9700 and 16 channels for the VR10500).
The software assigns the I/O units addresses from the range listed under “Assign Control Box Network Addresses.” This parameter does not need to be changed.