How to Set Up a Static IP Address

Technical Notes

Author Cherie Stoll


You must configure your PC to communicate with the Vibration Research I/O unit for the hardware to connect to VibrationVIEW. You can do so by setting up a static IP address on the network card connected to the I/O unit.


How do I get my PC to communicate with the hardware?


Setting up a Static IP Address

  1. Navigate to your PC’s Control Panel.
  2. Select Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Center.
  3. On the left side of the dialog box, select Change adapter settings.
  4. Right-click the network card dedicated to the I/O unit and select Properties.
Microsoft Windows Ethernet right-click context menu with Properties menu item circled

Click to expand.

  1. In the Ethernet Properties dialog, disable/uncheck all options except “Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6).” IPv6 connections from VibrationVIEW to the I/O unit can help avoid IP address collisions. Most versions of Windows will configure network cards with IPv6 configuration. Select OK. The network card is now configured to communicate with the I/O unit.

If your network card is unable to use IPv6, continue with the following steps to configure the network card for use with VibrationVIEW.

For IPv4 Only

  1. In the Ethernet Properties dialog, disable/uncheck all options except “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4).”

    Microsoft Windows Ethernet Properties Window with Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) selected

    Click to expand.

  2. In the Properties dialog box, select the Properties button.
  3. Select the “Use the following IP address” radio button. Assign the IP address to and the subnet mask to
    • If multiple network cards are installed in the computer the IP address can be adjusted. Other recommended values are and, although any Class C or Class D subnet will work.
Microsoft Windows IPv4 Properties window with static IP address

Click to expand.

  1. Select OK.
  2. On the Properties dialog box, click the Sharing tab. The “Internet Connection Sharing” option for the connection should be disabled/unchecked. Select OK.

The network card is now configured to communicate with the I/O unit.

Connecting to VibrationVIEW

VibrationVIEW must be configured to use the network connection after it is set up.

Directions for configuring VibrationVIEW to the network connection:

  1. Start the VibrationVIEW software program.
  2. Select Configuration > Hardware.
  3. Select the network card you configured on the PC. Typically, it is
Hardware tab in VibrationVIEW Configuration, with Select Network Card circled

Click to expand.

  1. Select Probe and then select Apply.
  2. The software will add the I/O unit serial number to the drop-down menu for Channels 1 to 4 after the hardware connects to the computer. Select the I/O unit serial number to configure Channels 1 to 4 and, optionally, Channels 5 to 8, Channels 9 to 12, and 13 through 128 (in blocks of 4 channels for the VR9700 and 16 channels for the VR10500).

The software assigns the I/O units addresses from the range listed under “Assign Control Box Network Addresses.” This parameter does not need to be changed.

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