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ObserVIEW 2024.1

ObserVIEW, Software Release

Author Cherie Stoll

A new version of ObserVIEW (2024.1) is now available for download. In this latest software release, access a new graph interface, expanded cursors settings, sine data reduction analysis options, and more.

New “Add Graph” User Interface

The user interface for adding a graph has been updated to reflect the new capabilities of ObserVIEW 2024.

When you select the Add Graph button on the main ribbon, a blank graph appears rather than the former Add Graph dialog. In the Traces pane to the right (by default) of the main graph, select which trace(s) to display on the graph.

A screen capture of the ObserVIEW software program. The Analysis Ranges pane is outlined to the left, and the Traces pane is outlined to the right.

Add Graph interface in ObserVIEW.

The Traces pane reflects the changes to the “Add Graph” interface. It organizes the project’s traces in a tree-like structure, where you can select all the graph types and associated traces that appear in the main graph. You can add traces of different graph types to the same graph if they’re compatible, such as an FFT and an FDS Test Spectrum trace. You can also add traces of different data ranges to the same graph (see “Analysis of Multiple Data Ranges” section). User-derived traces such as math channels will also appear as selection options.

Select the Done button in the upper left corner of the Traces pane to confirm your selection. Rather than an “Edit Graph” button, use the Add/Remove Traces button in the Traces pane to define/edit graph traces.

As graphs can now include traces of different graph types and analysis ranges, the improved trace pane offers better organization. The pane includes a search bar for navigation, and the filter option allows you to organize the traces in a more efficient manner, which is particularly beneficial if you have multiple analysis groups or recordings in a project.

If you’d prefer to interact with the former Traces pane, select the Legend Mode button in the pane.

If you’d prefer to interact with the former Add Graph dialog, select the Load Layout button on the main ribbon. You can also access previously saved graph layouts in this dialog.

Analysis of Multiple Data Ranges

Analysis Ranges Pane

ObserVIEW now includes an Analysis Ranges pane, allowing users to add multiple analysis ranges to a project and easily navigate between them rather than create a new project for each data range of significance. This option allows users to compare data of differing times, frequencies, etc. For example, a user may want to compare the fatigue damage of a lower frequency range to that of higher frequencies or add a transfer function and coherence plot to the same graph for extra context. Another option is to compare sections of a waveform to a range encompassing the whole waveform.

The Analysis Ranges pane is to the left (by default) of the main graph next to the Cursor tab. Select the Add Analysis Range button to define an analysis range. Use the summary graph to adjust the range. To lock an analysis range, select the lock icon button.

Add Analysis Range pane in ObserVIEW.

The Traces pane will update to reflect new range options so that users can select a graph trace for any analysis range. A graph can include traces of differing data ranges.

Statistical Analysis Traces

Mean, RMS, Variance, Kurtosis, Min, Max vs Time

In ObserVIEW 2024, customers can generate graphs for statistical analysis. Compared to cursors, which display data values at a specific location/range, graph traces allow the user to review statistics over time and compare the statistical behavior of multiple data sets.

Users can plot the following statistics over time for acceleration, velocity, or displacement data:

  • Min, max, maximax
  • Mean
  • RMS
  • Standard deviation
  • Variance
  • Skewness
  • Kurtosis
  • Range
  • Crest factor

For example, an engineer can measure the wear on a component (such as a bearing or gear) using a crest factor time history, measure HALT control as amplitude vs. time, or view data quality by measuring mean vs. time.

To add a statistics graph to a graph layout in ObserVIEW versions 2024 or later, select Add Graph > Time Statistics. Cursors can be added to statistics graphs for a more detailed analysis.

Trace Statistics Pane

In addition to statistical analysis traces, users can review the time statistics of time and frequency traces in the Trace Statistics pane to the right (by default) of the main graph. For instance, a user may want to know a project’s overall RMS and kurtosis at a glance.

ObserVIEW can calculate the statistics for the range of the summary graph or the entire project; the values will update if the user adjusts the range. Users can also copy the values as a text table and paste them into a Microsoft Word or Excel document for reporting.

Select which statistics to display by selecting the settings icon in the pane.

Cursor Properties

Snap Cursor at Peak/Valley

In ObserVIEW, cursors are visual tools that display data values at the cursor location/range and follow the computer mouse. In the newest release, users can use Ctrl/Shift to snap a cursor to the closest peak/valley on a graph.

Rather than manually search for a peak/valley, ObserVIEW can perform this task instantaneously. It can search over the entire data set or a user-defined range. For example, a user can quickly measure the delta-time between two sine tone peaks. The program can also continuously search for the peak value near the original peak value cursor location, so the user does not have to adjust the cursor manually as the data updates.

The peak/valley cursor and annotation can be customized to display pertinent data. For example:

  • Only including the peak trace’s data by default to focus on the value of interest
  • Displaying other trace values to relate the peak value to another trace value (ex. peak acceleration and distance and/or velocity)
  • Drawing a line between the annotation and a graph data point
  • Styling a vertical cursor as a dashed line to avoid obscuring the data

Select Channels for Cursor Annotation

Cursors identify and label trace properties such as the maximum peak, harmonics, slope between two points, and root-mean-square (RMS) of a data range. In this release, customers can select the channels to which the cursor should apply. ObserVIEW graphs can display all channel traces, but the customer can choose if the cursor annotates one trace, all of them, or some number in between. For example, they can show the magnitude annotations for a cursor on bode graph.

To change the channels for a cursor annotation, right-click on the annotation and select Cursor Properties. Navigate to the “Select traces” section to select the channels for the cursor annotation. The Cursor Properties dialog box includes other cursor options.

Find Top X Number of Max, Min, or Maximax Peaks

Identifying the top peaks in a vibration dataset helps engineers understand the behavior of their systems. In this release, customers can use a cursor to annotate a range of data with the top X number of peaks. The number is user-configurable, and the cursor displays the frequency and amplitude values in the graph’s units.

In the Cursor Properties dialog box, the customer can set the number of peaks and the spacing between the results. The cursor can be applied per trace or to all traces on the graph.

Customer Scenario

Standards may require engineers to identify the top peaks in their dataset to ensure an acceptable vibration level. Evaluating the peak amplitude and frequency can also provide insight into a system’s performance under different conditions, and engineers can use this information to optimize design or improve performance.

For example, a customer analyzed data from two accelerometers in a velocity FFT graph. Their application required them to identify the top 5 peaks. They can use the cursor feature to select a range of data to annotate the frequency and amplitude in their velocity units.

Range Cursor

ObserVIEW’s new range cursor is a dual-value cursor similar to the min, max, and maximax cursors. It analyzes a segment of data and reports the difference between the maximum and the minimum values. The range cursor works on any time or frequency graph and automatically identifies the minimum and maximum values within the user-selected range. For example, customers can use the range cursor to find the peak-to-peak displacement of a waveform.

Generate a Reference RPM Trace in STAG

The Sine Tracking, Analysis and Generation (STAG) test development software uses a defined tachometer channel to extract orders of interest from a recording. However, some environments have a stationary (fixed) RPM, and STAG requires a sweeping measurement (up or down). In versions 2024 and newer, ObserVIEW can generate a sweeping tachometer trace from a spectrogram if the recording has a stationary measurement.

The following video describes the process of order analysis with this new option.


Math Dialog in Context Help

Math traces are a feature of ObserVIEW 2023 that plot a user-defined math equation on a time or frequency-domain graph. It allows the user to implement custom math operations not defined by the current graph types.

In ObserVIEW 2024, customers can access context help for an active math function. With the many applications of the Math feature, the Help file assists with easier navigation and application.

Scatter Plot Graph Option

ObserVIEW now includes a scatter plot option for sine data analysis and more. It can plot the values as individual points or points connected by lines.

Engineers use scatter plots to identify patterns in their data and compare data sets. For example, they can detect correlations between variables such as amplitude and frequency. An amplitude vs. frequency plot shows the change in a waveform’s amplitude with frequency and helps identify deviations from the signal’s expected behavior.

Scatter plots can also help identify outliers, indicating potential measurement errors, equipment malfunctions, or unexpected behavior with the device under test. Plots like the Lissajous plot can show relationships between sine tones.

To add a scatter plot, select Add Graph > Scatter Plot.

Sine Data Reduction Analysis

Peak/Phase vs. Time Math Traces

Sine data reduction involves synchronizing a vibration control system with another controller during a sine test to increase channel count or independently verify test results. ObserVIEW now offers several features for analyzing and reprocessing sine reduction test data.

ObserVIEW’s Math Traces feature includes expressions for post-process analysis that simplify sine sweep data by breaking down the frequency and amplitude components of time-domain signals. This method provides clearer insights than traditional graphs like the fast Fourier transform (FFT) or transmissibility.

The software also allows engineers to reprocess recorded sine data to duplicate the analyses of the controllers used during testing.


The freq() expression computes the tone frequency over time. Users can include optional arguments for trigger level and hysteresis. The input could be a reference channel like the drive or COLA.

For example, the expression freq(“Ch2”, 0.5, 0.15) on an accelerator stomp waveform produces the following result.


The tracksine() expression returns a complex vector of the input sine wave’s characteristics (i.e., the magnitude and phase of the tone) at the frequency of the reference tone. A frequency vector is optional for the tracksine() expression; if the user does not provide a second argument, the expression uses the sine tone frequency value as the second argument. Users can also specify the tracking filter’s bandwidth in fractional frequency and maximum bandwidth.

The mag(tracksine()) expression calculates the magnitude of a sine tone and can extract the frequency from a second signal. An example expression is mag(tracksine(“Ch1”, “COLA”, 0.1)), where Ch1 is the input, the COLA output is the reference, and 0.1 is the fractional bandwidth.

To verify their test results, engineers may calculate the phase relationships between two signals. For example, phase(tracksine(“Ch1″,”Output”)) calculates the phase difference between Ch1 and the output.

trackingfilter(input, frequencyData)

The trackingfilter(input, frequencyData) returns a complex vector of the input sine wave’s characteristics (i.e., the magnitude and phase of the tone) at the frequency of the frequency vector. Users can specify the tracking filter’s bandwidth in fractional frequency and maximum bandwidth. If the rms output is set to true, the expression will output the signal’s RMS.

For example, the expression mag(trackingfilter(“Ch1”, “Tach”, 0.05, 5)) on engine ramp up with a tachometer produces the following result.

Sine Data Reduction Graphing Options

The new scatter plot option can graph the sine reduction analysis as a function of frequency. For example, the user can add a scatter plot graph where the x-axis is the freq() expression and the response channels are tracksine() expressions.

Other Sine test data can be graphed in ObserVIEW as a scatter plot, such as:

  • Transmissibility
  • Phase
  • Average control, max control
  • AVD conversions
  • Transmissibility vs Phase

ObserVIEW can create these graphs from waveform data or in Live Analyzer.

Use Cases

    • A test system has more analyzer channels than vibration controller channels, and the engineer wants to create sine test graphs using the analyzer hardware rather than the controller
    • The engineer wants to compare their controller’s Gpk vs frequency results to a reference
    • The engineer wants to re-process sine test results using different tracking filter settings; tighter tracking equates to smoother lines but might hide peaks, while wider tracking can lead to hashy lines but shows fast changing peaks

Math Trace Improvements

Improvements have been made to the Math Traces feature, including:

  • Allow sub-traces for settings like FFT peak hold (ex. find the envelope of my FFT peak holds)
  • Use a math trace inside another math trace (ex. reference a math channel from another math channel, use frequency math traces as components of other frequency math traces)
  • Derive math traces from time math traces in Live Analyzer (ex. view the filtered PSD of incoming data, find the RMS of filtered channel data)

a sensor taped to an object

Display Sensor Image

In the VR Mobile input configuration, the user can upload a photo of a sensor for each input as a reference. In ObserVIEW 2024, sensor photos can be accessed from a graph trace. Right-click a graph trace in the main graph or Traces pane and select Sensor Photo.

Additional Features

  • Allow logarithmic scaling of the y-axis on time graphs
  • Additional UFF Export formats: 164 and 151
  • Option to export transfer function graphs to UFF, including DOF locations for modal analysis
  • Software selects analysis lines amount to target 1Hz frequency resolution by default
  • Spectrograms have analysis lines and window functions independent from FFTs

ObserVIEW 2024 Webinar


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