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View Graphical Representations of Functions in Frequency

Better understand the complex relationships between signals that are not readily apparent in a basic graph. The optional Analyzer module enhances Sine, Random, and Shock tests by comparing spectral characteristics of two signals. It includes additional graphing capabilities, configurable function generators, and more.

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Advanced Graphing Functions

The Analyzer package features graphical representations of several advanced mathematical functions, including the transfer function, total harmonic distortion, coherence, and cross-spectrum.

Analyzer also offers a configurable function generator for outputting user-defined voltage waveforms. Pretest uses a low-level drive signal and uses the control and response channels to predict the requirements at full level. The intelligent startup uses the information from the pretest in the full-level control algorithm.

Analyzer Functions Webinar

Analyzer Functions thumbnail

Analyzer Functions



  • Scatter Plot
  • Spectrum

Test Settings

  • Pre-Test
  • Analyzer with Swept THD Option
  • Open-Loop Waveform Synthesis Scatter



  • Cross Spectrum
  • Scatter Plot
  • Transfer Function
  • Coherence

Test Settings

  • Pre-Test with Memorized Drive (Version 2014 and Newer)
  • Open-Loop Waveform Synthesis



  • Transfer Function
  • Coherence

Test Settings

  • Pre-Test with Memorized Drive; Classical Shock Only
  • Transfer Function Parameters; Transient Capture Only

(Version 2014 and Newer)

Field Data Replication (FDR)


  • Cross Spectrum
  • Scatter Plot
  • Transfer Function
  • Coherence

Test Settings

  • Open-Loop Waveform Synthesis

Understanding Waveform Relationships

The VibrationVIEW Analyzer software package helps engineers better understand complex relationships between two signals. Use these graph options to easily identify similarities and influences between them. To learn more about the graph options, please enroll in our Analyzer Software course on VRU.

Transfer Function (Random & Shock)

The transfer function uses two graphs to compare:

  • Ratio of PSD values for two signals across a specified frequency range
  • Phase relationships between the two signals

Use the transfer function graph to determine phase relationships between two signals.

Coherence (Random & Shock)

Identify the relationship between the response signal and drive signal. Two signals are coherent if they have a constant phase difference and the same frequency and waveform.

Total Harmonic Distortion (Sine)

Determine the amount of harmonic content in a signal by comparing the accelerations at a specific frequency with the accelerations at the next ten harmonics. THD can be used to measure how well a shaker recreates a signal from the controller.

Cross-Spectrum (Random & Shock)

Compares one signal with another signal in time. The Cross-Spectrum graph contains data on the differences in amplitude and phase of the two signals.


The pre-test feature is available only with Analyzer. Pre-test applies a low-level, open-loop output to the shaker and then uses the output and the measured response to predict the amplitude levels of the full-level test.

Analyzer Functions Pre-Test Quick Tips Video

Analyzer Functions Pre-Test thumbnail

Analyzer Functions Pre-Test

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