VibrationVIEW 2018

We are committed to solving our customers’ toughest testing problems. Customer requests and project collaboration guide our development team as they add new, industry-leading capability to VibrationVIEW every year. Check out version 2018 highlights!

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Peak Tracking in Sine Resonance Track & Dwell

This works by constantly oscillating the phase between the control and response channels at a resonance to maintain the peak transmissibility between the two channels, even when resonances shift due to fatigue. It ensures that peak transmissibility is maintained throughout the tracked dwell portion of the test.

SRTD Webinar   Stay On Point with SRTD Article

Sine Tones and Random Bands Turned On/Off

An enhancement for the mixed modes of Sine-on-Sine, Sine-on-Random, and Random-on-Random. This feature means tests can be segmented to focus on different DUT components or different testing characteristics. Individual Sine tones and Random bands can be turned on or off based on the testing schedule.

Use Different Control Channels for Sine Tones and Broadband Random

A Sine-on-Random enhancement, it allows separate control channels to be used for the Sine Tones and the Broadband Random components of the test.

Previous Pass Traces in Sine

VibrationVIEW now separates previous sweep data from current sweep data. Users can preserve more sweep data and easily compare sweeps.


Fatigue Damage Spectrum Enhancements

Our FDS package now has linear frequency axis spacing (in addition to octave spacing).

Converting Traces to Control Unit Values

For Random analysis, automatically convert channels defined as velocity to acceleration when graphed on the Acceleration vs Frequency Graph (PSD).

View the Sine Tone Response for up to 8 Tones each on Channels 1 to 4

For Sine-on-Sine and Sine-on-Random, the Sine Tone Profile Graph shows Channel Response Traces from the primary control box (Ch 1 to 4), providing detailed insight into complex response behavior.

VibrationVIEW 2018 Article VibrationVIEW 2018 Webinar

User Interface Flexibility

1. Saved data files open in a separate, dedicated window
2. Graph docking enhancements: Using tabs instead of panes or classic floating window mode
3. Customizable main toolbar
4. More dockable toolbars: Including Manual Control, Projected Levels, and SRTD
5. iDOF on the Control Bar: In Random, an easier way to turn iDOF on or off

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